Equal part science fiction narrative and existentialist thinking, this series of ominous and absurd ‘landscape-portraits’ evoke a time outside a human timescale and places unknown. Anthropomorphism of geological strata and references to historical portraiture cleverly combine here; offering a contemplation of the physical earth, of deep geologic time and our human emergence on this evolving planet.

Head I, 12″x12″, oil on canvas, 2020

Head II, 12″x12″, oil on canvas, 2020

Head III, 12″x12″, oil on canvas, 2020

long wait, 12″x10″, oil on canvas, 2019

Age of Enlightenment, 20″x24″, oil on canvas, 2019

Age of Innocence, 20″x24″, oil on canvas, 2019

Man-Machine, 20″x24″, oil on canvas, 2017

Industrial Age, 20″x24″, oil on canvas, 2017